一般形式 & 吸引力的形式



  • Carefully read the instructions on all forms & appeals before completing.

  • PDF格式:大多数表格采用可携式文件格式(PDF),并要求adobeacrobatreader5.0 or higher to view and print (download Adobe Acrobat ReaderOpens in new window ).

  • Income Appeal processing time is at least 8 weeks.

文档提交 & 验证

有时需要额外的文件和表格来完成你的申请, this process is called verification. 如果您被选中进行一个称为验证的过程,我们将要求您尽快提交额外的文件. 访问 常见问题 Opens in new window to learn more about 文档提交 and Verification. 


2024-2025学年的助学金验证文件优先提交截止日期为周五, 07年6月, 2024.

Secure Electronic 文档提交 PlatformOpens in new window

2024-2025 一般形式

The forms below are the most commonly requested forms. 如果您没有看到您需要的表格,或者如果您在下载或打印表格时遇到困难, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.



  • 使用此表格申请2023-24学年的联邦直接补贴和非补贴贷款.



AWARD ADJUSTMENT APPEAL  (Form will be available soon)

  • 使用此表格对您的奖学金进行调整,例如:取消或减少资助, changes in award period, 年级水平, 或者学术项目, or reinstatement of aid. See form for complete instructions.

REQUEST TO CANCEL FINANCIAL AID  (Form will be available soon)

  • 使用此表格可以申请完全取消本学年的经济援助申请.

PARENT STATEMENT OF NON-SUPPORT  (Form will be available soon)

  • 如果你的父母决定不向你提供他们在你的经济援助申请中的信息,请使用此表格.

TEACH GRANT CERTIFICATION  (Form will be available soon)

  • 该表格用于参加Teach计划并已完成申请Teach补助金要求的学生.

Golden State Teacher Grant Certification  (Form will be available soon)

  • 每年填写此表格,以获得金州教师补助金(GSTG). GSTG向注册了经批准的教学证书课程的学生提供最高20,000美元的奖励.

Fall '24 TERM CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT  (Form will be available soon)


2023-2024 一般形式

The forms below are the most commonly requested forms. 如果您没有看到您需要的表格,或者如果您在下载或打印表格时遇到困难, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.


家长加贷款Opens in new window Opens in new window

毕业生加贷款Opens in new window Opens in new window

2024 夏天 Loan RequestPDF文件 Opens in new window

  • Use this form if you need to request a loan for the summer term.  Be sure to review your academic year loan limit.  Here are instructions for e-signing the 夏天 Loan Request form.

2024-2025 吸引力的形式

Reasons for an appeal:

  • 提交申请后的收入变化——你或你的父母.

  • 额外的教育费用,没有包括在你的财政援助预算.

  • Changes in Dependency Status.

  • Change in your housing plan. 

Please refer to the specific appeal form for deadline dates. 



Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form (SAP) PDF文件

  • 如果您的经济援助资格已被终止,请使用此表格申请“令人满意的学业进步政策”的例外情况.  您也可以使用此表格上诉,要求重新计算获得的额外单位的SAP.  See form for complete instructions.


单位上限 Appeal Form PDF文件

  • 如果您有以下情况,请使用此表格申请超出学术课程标准“单位上限”的经济援助资格的延长.


Projected Year Income Appeal Information (家长与学生)     (Form will be available soon)

如果你(学生或家长)的收入在FAFSA或CDA申请中有明显的减少, 请致电657-278-3125与我们的财务援助代表之一交谈 电话时间Opens in new window  与辅导员预约,讨论提出年度收入申请的可能性.

In preparation for your meeting, have a typed statement explaining your circumstances, any documentation relevant to your case, including tax forms that show the reduction in income. The counselor may request additional documents.


出勤费用/Budget Appeal    (Form will be available soon)

如果你有超出你的财政援助申请给你的标准预算的额外费用,请使用此表格. 学费必须在申请变更的学年内支付.


Examples of additional expenses include: Medical, 牙科, or Vision Care Expenses; Car Repair Expenses; Excessive Mileage; Child Care; Books and Supplies in Excess of Standard; and/or One-Time Computer Expense. 上诉 must include receipts, 账单, or other forms of documentation that can verify the expense incurred.



Use this form if you had a change in your housing. 您可以使用此表格更新您的住房计划,这可能会导致修改财务援助资格. 如果住在校园里, 您的住宿状况将在夏季入学前由学生宿舍核实. No form is necessary for on campus verification.”


Dependency Override Appeal

使用这个表格来申请独立,因为“不利的家庭情况”,如父母的虐待, 放弃, or irreconcilable estrangement from your 父母. 如果你的上诉仅仅是基于你没有和父母住在一起或没有得到父母的资助这一事实, your appeal will be denied. 强烈建议您在提交此上诉之前与财务援助顾问会面,了解您的情况.

How do I submit documents?



Secure Electronic 文档提交 Platform Opens in new window



财政援助办公室有一个安全的dropbox,每天24小时都可以访问,位于我们办公室的正门附近. 如果您将在投递框中提交文件,请确保在所有文件上填写您的身份证号. 用订书钉固定文件或把它们放在信封里是理想的,因为所有的项目都在一起,确保你的清单有效地清理干净. 



通过邮件收到的文件将由CSUF财政援助办公室收到邮件文件的日期盖章. 通过邮寄提交的文件将由CSUF财政援助工作人员进行完整性验证, 如果确定文件不完整,学生将被要求重新提交所要求的文件.  在任何文件截止日期之前提交所请求的文件时,记住这一点很重要.


Documentation can be mailed to the following address:


Office of Financial Aid
California State University, Fullerton
P.O. GH 146号6804号框
Fullerton, CA 92834-6804



Documentation can be submitted via FAX at (657) 278-7090

If documents submitted via fax are illegible or missing pages, that may delay the review of the student's information.  请预留最少5天的时间,以便在繁忙处理时间内更新文件状态.


This site is maintained by Office of Financial Aid.

Last Published 6/25/24

To report problems or comments with this site, please contact financialaid@tamascandle.net.
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